The Little Blue Pill For Business

How to Get it Up Through Comedy - Frank King

Episode Summary

This podcast episode is about comedy, speaking and of course, getting it up. Many people want to be speakers but they don't know how to get it up and keep it up. We're talking about speaking skills of course. Join me and Frank King in this super fun conversation and learn more about business of comedy!

Episode Notes

Are you wondering how to become a comedian or, how the business of comedy works? 

in this episode of the Little Blue Pill for Business Podcast I interviewed Frank King. He is a World Record holder with 11 TEDx Talks, and Speaker Coach. He has shared the stage with Jerry Seinfeld, Robin Williams, Jon Stewart, Jim Carrey, and many more. If you want to learn how to make money speaking or, doing comedy - you need to check this out!

Your TEDX Coach Website:

Frank King LinkedIn:

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