The Little Blue Pill For Business

Body-Safe Pleasure Toys - Narine Semerdjian

Episode Summary

In this episode, we peel back the layers of the adult product industry with Narine, whose passion for education and quality is reshaping the market. Learn about the personal experiences that fueled her business, the obstacles she's overcoming, and the impact of her work on societal norms.

Episode Notes

Do you choose products based on price or quality? Do you check what effects the products you use have on the body?

In this episode of The Little Blue Pill for Business Podcast I interviewed Narine Semerdjian. Narine is the CoFounder & CEO at Beyond Delight. Her goal is to create environments of products that are ethical and made with care with the consumer in mind.
Culture aside, Narine wants to inspire women to stick their necks out and not be afraid of everyone else’s opinion on where they're interested in taking their lives.  

Learn more about the sexy toys industry & the impact these products can have on health.

Check it out! 

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